PLAB 02 exam is easy and but same time tricky as well. Need to pass exam by passing 10 station and also by getting enough score whichever as per exam. Exam anxiety and fear make worse outcome which we never want. Many fails exam by any of each criteria by minimal margin and its painful. But what next has to move on to restart
1) Its not just important how you prepared but its about performance.
2) Every domain has marks please include all this during your practise. Never underestimate data gathering.
3) Practice, practice and practice.
4) Never focus on recalls rather understand the structure.
5) Ideal time is 3 month is enough for preparation.
6) GMC blueprint is ideal for understanding.
7) if have script material just scan it, Understand it, rather than memorising.
8) Modify your questions with simple English words in compare to script.
Good Luck ... MEDICS CAFE is with you always!